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ParticleCast is a resource with many helpful methods that utilizes Attributes and allows for easy management of a ParticleEmitter Instance. It was made with simplicity of use in mind.

API is listed below!

Resource Support

This resource is compatible with any framework!

PartCache support is implemented into this resource.

Basic Usage

First you have to require ParticleCast:

local ParticleCast = require(ReplicatedStorage.ParticleCast)

Once ParticleCast is required, you can use it to manage particles easily!

An example of its usage is provided below:

-- Part is referenced below. This can be a BasePart, Attachment or Model. 
local Part = workspace.BasePart

-- The CastObject is returned from the .new() constructor. We named the constructor 'Particles' in this case!
local Particles =, {ParticleScale = 1.5})

-- A function that emits particles. 
function EmitParticles()
    -- Emit all the ParticleEmitters from the CastObject.

    -- Yield for ~2 seconds.

    -- Cleans up the ParticleEmitters. 

--After 10 seconds, call :Destroy() on the CastObject.
task.delay(10, function()

-- Calls the EmitParticles() function approximately every second.
while true do
     -- If :Destroy() was called on the CastObject, it is no longer usable, so we end the loop. 
    if not Particles then

ParticleCast API

The documentation on how to use ParticleCast is explained below.


ParticleCast takes advantage of Instance Attributes. When you give it an Originator (BasePart, Model or Attachment), all the ParticleEmitter descendants inside of it can have the attributes with names listed below. You can customize each ParticleEmitter very easily based on these different attributes! It’s so useful for programming visual effects!

If the attribute does not exist or the ParticleEmitter does not have a value for these attributes, it uses the default.

[number] EmitCount [default: 0]

[number] Delay [default: 0]

[number] Scale [default: 1]

[number] CleanupDelay [default: 0]

[boolean] ClearResidue [default: false]


Constructors return a CastObject which is used for all the Methods provided in the headline below this one.

[function] BasePart | Model | Attachment, Options: table) -> CastObject

[number] ParticleScale [default: 1]

[number] EmitCountScale [default: 1]

[boolean] ClearAllResidue [default: false]


All of these methods should be used on the CastObject returned from

It is advised to call :Destroy() on a CastObject after it is no longer used. This sets it up for garbage collection, while also reseting all of the ParticleEmitter’s properties back to normal.

Calling :Cleanup() on a CastObject cleans all the particles instantly, just like the ‘CleanupDelay’, but all of them are instantly cleaned.

[void] CastObject:Emit()

[void] CastObject:Cleanup()

[void] CastObject:Destroy()